

Professional redundancy advice and support

A genuine redundancy situation arises where the requirement for you to carry out your role has either “ceased” or “diminished”. For a redundancy dismissal to be fair, your employer must follow due process, which entails meaningful consultation, fair selection, and the provision of any opportunities for suitable alternative employment. 

Whether it has come as a shock, or you are secretly pleased, seeking early advice so you are aware of your rights and the procedure that should be followed can help place you in the strongest position possible when facing redundancy. Barnard & Webb Solicitors can help guide you through the process. Where appropriate we can also assist you in challenging your selection for redundancy and any failings in the process, with a view to either protecting your position or maximising your redundancy payment.
Often employers offer Settlement Agreements in redundancy situations and we can also offer full support and advice in this respect – see Settlement Agreement Page.


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